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Sol Club Cayo Coco Hotel
Sol Club Cayo Coco Hotel
Cayo Coco, Ciego de Avila
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from 72.00 €/night
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Cayo Coco treasures wonderful coral reefs, what makes it an ideal spot for those interested in underwater exploration, immersion, and other activities in general.

On Cayo Coco you will find more than 27 km of sandy beaches, ideal to practice almost any water sport, ranging from kayak or aqua bike riding to water skiing, windsurfing, and diving. The latter is one of the most practiced sports in the area. Among the most spectacular beaches we find those of Las Coloradas, Playa Larga, El Paso, Playa Flamencos, and Playa Pilar, this one located on Cayo Guillermo and displaying one of the highest sand dunes in the Caribbean (15 mt./ 49 ft.). At Playa Flamencos, it is possible to enjoy horseback riding, and at Playa del Norte (Cayo Paredon Grande) there are guided tours for shark watching.

At the Diving Center or at the International Immersion Center "Blue Diving S.A.", the visitor has countless options to get in touch with all the charm of the coral reefs of this paradise key and receives professional help in customizing a program that best meets his or her own expectations.

There are four diving centers and first-class hotels to guarantee the satisfaction of the tourists visiting this natural environment, privileged for the diversity of its landscapes, the transparency of its waters, the quality of its sands, and the beauty of its 32 km (21 mi) of coral formations.

- Main Attractions

La Jaula (Depth 30 mt./98 ft.)

A greatly attractive underwater spot where it is combined the presence of gorgonians and sponges of diverse shapes and colors with big snappers (Lutjanus sp.), meros or groupers(Ephinephelus sp.), devilfish (Dasyatis Sp.), and White-Spotted Eaglerays (Aetobatus narinari). Reef Shark species (Carcharhinus sp.) and Nurse Sharks (Ginglymostoma cirratum), are seen around this area.

Las Coloradas (Depth 12 mt./40 ft.)

Identified by its quite irregular bottom, with tiny caves, cracks, and tunnels, gorgonians, and greatly developed Sea Fan Corals that form a sort of hummock where shoals of shad and small coral fish are commonly found.

Casasa (Depth 5 mt./16 ft.)

Its greatest attraction is the presence of big barracudas, several turtle species, devilfish of several kinds, shoals of roncos, "cajies", and other coral fish species.

Los Tiburones (Depth 16 mt./52 ft.)

A zone formed by big rocks of coralline origin with passages and tunnels among them through which some reef sharks move to and fro. There is also a great deal of groupers, snappers, "civiles", "gallegos", and medium-sized coralline fish.

-Other tourist attractions

The province of Ciego de Avila has a lot to offer to the visitor. In the territory between Cayo Coco and the capital city of the province, founded in 1840, several interesting places are worth visiting. Some of them are the Dutch village of Turiguanó, build at the beginning of the 1960's as a settlement for a cattle-rising community; the lagoon "La Redonda" (4.5 sq km/1.7 sq mi), where there is an international trout-fishing center; and the lagoon "La Leche" (67 sq km/25 sq mi), annual seat of the traditional aquatic carnivals of Moron and more recently included among the scenarios of the Formula T1 World Championships.

Also around the vast marshlands and lagoons located to the north of the Moron municipality and around the Cunagua hill, there are about 40 hunting zones for bird species: the Aguachales de Falla, Chicola, Canal La Yana, and Puente Largo are among the most known. In the latter, there is also room for the practice of trout-fishing, which takes place too in the dam "Liberación" of the Florencia town, a zone of great natural beauty located to the east of the province.
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